I haven’t write posts for a while, and now I want to share with you my speeches at OpenSysConf’22 “The history of the one CVE or how to hack hacker on Kali Linux” and BeetechConf’23 “Your code through the eyes of a hacker”.
Tag: open sysconf
Open SysConf’21 is over
That was amazing conference and nice collaboration with professionals, especially in the pandemic time.
Open SysConf’21 is coming!
The only IT / InfoSec / *OPS open conference in Kazakhstan without advertising and vendors. Interesting reports from experienced specialists. Hurry up to register!
Review of PHP backdoors
Made report at Open Sysconf’19 about PHP backdoors with my colleague @joe1black. In this report were considered backdoors of different levels: common and uncommon with examples. PDF in russian language.